Frequently Asked Questions

How does the editing process happen?

I like to set up an initial, free conversation with potential clients via Zoom. We schedule a mutually convenient time to talk about the project, the timeline, and also to answer any questions. Afterwards, a short contract is created, and my policies are also emailed for the client’s review. Once that is done, a deposit is required. After that, the project begins! We have a timeline and I will return your document by or before our agreed upon date. Payment is then expected upon the return of the completed work. Questions are always welcome!!

Why is the cost rather high?

In editing, you get what you pay for. I bring a unique combination of skills to the table which go above and beyond simply editing. As an educator with over 20 years’ of global experience, multiple languages under my belt, a PhD in Curriculum, two published books, and numerous conference presentations, I can offer many insights in addition to the editing work. However, should you require a financial adjustment due to particular circumstances, please let me know and I will see what I can do!

What should I do if I have questions?

Always feel free to reach out with questions! I respond to emails promptly, and am also available via text if the need arises. Zoom is my preferred communication method due to the complex times we live in.

How does the mentoring process work?

In many ways it is similar to the editing process. We will schedule a free 30-mintue conversation, discuss goals and challenges, and work to set a schedule for meeting that fits best with your needs. I have assisted people with dissertation topics, navigating political challenges, social justice aspects of higher education, and finding and sharing resources for their academic and personal journeys.

Do you have any client references to share?

Absolutely! Let me know if you would like to talk to a current or former client, and I will do my best to connect you.

What else should I know?

I am deeply committed to assisting folks with the complexities and challenges of the academy. If you need assistance, please reach out and I will do my best to work with you. I know we can make change through writing, mentoring, and collaborating- let me help.

Do you have a blog or social media presence?

I am on LinkedIn: