Research Support and Editing


I am happy to help you generate ideas, refine your topic, access resources, and shape your questions as well as your writing as you get on the road to that Ph.D.

Research is a key aspect of pursuing your graduate degree, however, many of us have very little concept of what this means in the land of PhDs! Terminology can be confusing, topics can seem overwhelming, and learning the lingo of research can add nuances and complexities that were not anticipated when you began your journey! Finding your “voice” in academic writing is vital, and I can guide you through this process with extensive feedback, discussions, and support.

How I Have Helped Others

Brainstorming, outlining, and refining research ideas, narrowing down overly broad topics, sharing articles, links, and resources with students, and editing through in-depth personalized guidance on written products. I have a unique talent for encouraging students’ passions and assisting them in finding their academic writer’s voice. My feedback is VERY in-depth and based on detailed questions to extend your thinking, reach, and growth.